So I have been meaning to post a video of Dreyken moving. She is now nine months old, and is EVERYWHERE! She has yet to crawl on her hands and knees, but she can get where she want to pretty fast. We have also discovered that she hates things being organized and put away. She loves to destroy the videos, and anytime she sees you stacking blocks, or piling up her toys she hurries over and swats with her hands until the pile is everywhere. She has also developed a love for her Daddy. She is now officially a Daddy's girl and SCREAMS anytime someone takes her away from him (yes, including her mom! :(. )
2 years ago
Scott and I decided we want a little boy just like Tarek ;) hopefully eventually... love the video/pictures. We haven't seen you guys for a while! We miss you!
hahaha crazy pictures!
Who is teaching Tarek all his "tricks". (Dan).
I'm glad Tarek is feeling better! Now we will wait for Dreyken's Health. This time of year is always a bummer (Sickness wise).
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