So I have found a new hobby. A friend of mine had begun to cut out coupons and after talking to her and learning how much she was able to save along with getting a food storage, I am now totally hooked. It is so crazy to go to a store and come out with a few bags of groceries while only having spent a few dollars. I do spend quite a bit of time cutting out the coupons, but usually I do that at night while watching TV. However, yesterday Tarek got out his scissors and "helped" me. He was so proud of the pile of cut up paper he made, and I was quite impressed with his control of the scissors and that he was actually able to cut a few straight lines. He thinks it is like real money and that if there is a picture of something, and you cut out the "coupon", than you get that thing. So in his world I am going to be getting a new camera and he is going to get a new trampoline and bike! If only it really worked that way. However, it is really crazy how much you can really get if you use coupons plus my food storage is really starting to grow!
2 years ago