Friday, March 26, 2010


Well it finally happened! (I don't know if I should be happy or sad) Dreyken has started to walk. She has been so close for so long, and the last three days she just took off! She is growing up so fast it is CRAZY

On another note, my poor little boy ended up with an allergic reaction to something the other day, and by the next morning both of his eyes were HUGE! He sure gets the most random things to hit him. This picture is taken after a day on some medication, so it is a huge improvement from how he was.

Finally, I was able to pull Dreyken's hair up into pigtais the other day for the first time. She loved sitting on the counter brushing her teeth and actually sat really still! I can hardly wait until it is a little longer and I can really do some fun things!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Random Post

So the month of February seemed so LONG! We have had a lot of yucky sickness going around our house this month, and I can hardly wait until it warms up outside and we can get out! We have not done much all month, but I did get a few cute pics of the kids so here are some random pics from the last little while!
Dreyken trying on Kalli's hat.
Sharing with her brother, which she doesn't do very often.
Tarek LOVES the Green Bay Packers, (and I mean LOVES) so I found this cute hat pattern, and used the Packer colors. He was so excited!
This was the first time Dreyken really got out and played in the snow. She was not quite sure what to do, but LOVED getting to be outside.
Kalli and her silly faces. She will no longer let me take a picture without some goofy face.
Tarek learned how to jump out of the swing thanks to the instruction of Kalli!
And finally, Dreyken swinging! She was so HAPPY! I am so ready for the warm weather to come!