Friday, March 26, 2010


Well it finally happened! (I don't know if I should be happy or sad) Dreyken has started to walk. She has been so close for so long, and the last three days she just took off! She is growing up so fast it is CRAZY

On another note, my poor little boy ended up with an allergic reaction to something the other day, and by the next morning both of his eyes were HUGE! He sure gets the most random things to hit him. This picture is taken after a day on some medication, so it is a huge improvement from how he was.

Finally, I was able to pull Dreyken's hair up into pigtais the other day for the first time. She loved sitting on the counter brushing her teeth and actually sat really still! I can hardly wait until it is a little longer and I can really do some fun things!


Traci said...

Cute Pig Tails! Ohh! Girl hair is fun :) Boy hair too, but much easier :) Sorry about Tarek's Eyes! Did he rub Dandilions in them? (He's probably heard that story and was curious... :)

Bobby Sue said...

Love her hair! That poor boy! Hope he feels better. Tucker's eyes did that when he was licked by a black lab dog.

Jake and Jana said...

Yay for Dreyken walking! That's so fun! And, way to go with pigtails! I hardly recognized her in that picture! How fun :)