(All of my parents grandkids except for Enoch: From left to right Timberlyn, Kanyon, Riley, Tarek, Dreyken, Kalli, Archimedes, Kaydra, Sage and Miranda)
This past week for the kids spring break we headed north to visit my sister Brooke and her family. My mom and I headed up on Tuesday with Kalli and Tarek (Dreyken was suppose to come and once again she was sick) Jake, Jana, Riley and Sage also come up with us on Tuesday and Markell, Andre and Archimedes were able to join us on Wednesday night. The kids had great time with their cousins, they got to explore the woods around the FitzSimmons house, see a ton of deer, splash in puddles and play in the rain.

On Thursday we headed to a place called Triple Play for Kanyon's Birthday. They had bowling, laser tag, miniture golf, pizza and swimming. The kids had a BLAST! Happy Birthday Kanyon!

On Thursday night, Dan, Dreyken, Paul and my Dad were able to come up (Dreyken only threw up four times on the ride and was totally convinced that Uncle Paul was trying to drive the truck into the lake - I think we have figured out that her medicine is making her have nightmares and anxiety)

On Friday the men and the kids went to see The Lorax while the girls went and explored downtown Coeur d'Alene.
Then on Saturday, the kids colored easter eggs and the real reason we all headed north - Kanyon got baptised! It was such a wonderfule baptisim, he is such an awesome young man and such a great example to his younger cousins (especially Tarek)

Anyway, as you can tell by the pictures it was a fun filled week and we had a great time. Thanks to the FitzSimmons for being such great hosts.