I cannot believe how quickly time goes by. Iriel turned one month old yesterday! It seems like I was just coming home from the hospital and yet it has already been a month! So far she has been a really good, happy baby. She does, however, like to be held a lot :) Which I would love to do all the time. Problem is my other three kids don't think that is the best idea. The kids are starting to adjust and get use to having a baby around. They have all been very patience and good with her. She has started to smile quite a bit (not sure it is on purpose) and the kids think it is super funny to see her entire face light up. She has been such a blessing to have around and I hope time will slow down just a little bit.

On another note, Kalli has been wanting a haircut for awhile so since it is spring break this week I made appointments for both her and Dreyken. I have yet to get a picture of Kalli's new cut, she decided to get some bangs cut and is now not quite sure it was the best idea. It looks super cute but it bugs her to have hair in her face. I was able to get a picture of Dreyken, although she was not happy about it - at all - as you can tell by the picture. We decided to go short and even everything out. Her last hair cut was done after she cut her own so a lot of it was super uneven still and since she hates to have her hair done, we took the chance. I love how it looks on her and luckily so does she.
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