Friday, September 26, 2008


Tarek and some flowers he picked for me

On the 24th of September, my little boy turned three! It is so hard to believe that he is getting so big. He woke up in the morning and came out and Dan said to him "Happy birthday Tarek" and he replied with, "it's not my birthday". The conversation went on with Dan trying hard to convince him that it was really his birthday and that he was now three. Kalli had been talking about his birthday for about a week before and he always just thought it was still five days away. We let him open a few presents before Dan and Kalli left for the day, and had finally convinced him it really was his birthday.
Tarek and Kalli with the early morning present from Dan
Well, we than went to lunch with some of my family and Tarek was talking to Kanyon who thought that Tarek's birthday wasn't until the next day which was when we were doing his party. Kanyon told Tarek he was wrong and that he was still just two. Tarek became very irritated and confused and anytime you asked him how old he was he would respond with "I am three, but Kanyon says that I am only two". It was quite funny. He has been really into spiderman lately, so he decided that he wanted a spiderman birthday party.
Getting ready to blow out his candles
So on Thursday he got to have a small little party with some family and he LOVED IT! He loves getting to be the center of attention. He go lots of fun presents and a new big boy bike that he can't get enough of.
Trying out his Big Boy Bike
He is such a good kid and such a joy to have in our family. He is turning into a little Dan with his sarcasm and teasing, Kalli often times being the target. I feel so blessed to have such great kids and a wonderful husband. They sure do make my life fun, and keep me on my toes, but I sure do love them.

Out for his first ride!

1 comment:

Amy said...

oh...Happy Bday Tarek!