Monday, November 24, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
My in-laws also came up to visit for the day on Friday. My father-in-law was busy hunting for a moose with Dan's brother and his wife (which they had great success at). So my mother-in-law took my kids after Kalli got home from school, shopping for our Christmas present. She has always felt like they should give gifts that are useful and needed. So since food storage is really being pushed lately, she decided they would help us get some food storage, but not the basics. She wanted to get things that my kids would actually eat and that we could use the next year. She was very brave and took both Kalli and Tarek shopping without us. I than understand that they basically got to go on a huge shopping spree through the store and pick out foods that they would actually eat. They ended up filling two shopping carts FULL, three after they were bagged. When asked how she managed that she said Kalli pushed a cart and she pushed and pulled the other two with Tarek riding. (CRAZY! I dread having to go shopping alone with just Tarek!) To my amazement, they actually came home with some good food! Granted there were a few luxury items included (A ginger bread house kit), but most of the food was fairly healthy and food that they both actually like. All of this was really great, until I got home and was informed that I was now responsible to find somewhere to put all of the food! I can now say that the shelves in our storage room are now officially FULL! Tarek was really proud of the Cheetos's that Grandma let him buy, as mom never lets him get them cause they are so MESSY!
We than met up with the rest of Dan's family and went out to dinner for my birthday. Thanks to all those that called or wrote to wish me well, I had a really good day and received some very special gifts from my kids. Kalli made me a box that she covered in words that reminded her of me, and Tarek gave me an envelope full of paper he had colored and than cut into strips. I love the homemade gifts and the thought that I know they put into them. What a great family I have!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
There has been a stomach bug going around our house, and a three year old with an upset stomach is really not very fun! I had thought Tarek was over the bug and he had been fine for about two days, my mom and Brooke called to see if we wanted to go to McDonald's for lunch and let the boys play on the toys. Just after we got our order and were sitting down, I told Tarek to come over and eat his food, he walked over to the table and proceeded to lose everything he had eaten earlier that day. It was such a mess and of course the place was full of people and other kids. As we were getting into the car Tarek said to me "Good thing I didn't throw up on my food huh mom!" What a thought full little boy. Hopefully we have gotten over it now and can get back to normal lives.
I have been told that you should write down the funny or silly things that your kids do when they are little in order to remember them when they get older. I have never been good at doing that, but maybe now would be a good time to start. Today was Sunday and we had just gotten to church and Tarek was complaining about being hungry. In order to get him to be quite at least until the sacrament, I gave him a piece of gum. Well, he settled down and was fine until the sacrament began to be passed. Dan told Tarek to come and give me the gum to throw away. He was not to happy with that and let Dan know that he was not done with it. So Dan explained to him that he would need to put it into his cheek on one side of his mouth while chewing the bread on the other. I look over just as Tarek is taking the sacrament and he has his bright yellow piece of gum stuck to the outside of his cheek! The family behind us, of course, found this to be rather entertaining. He was just excited that at the end he still had his gum! What a cute kid!
Saturday, November 1, 2008

Tarek has discovered a train set that use to belong to Kalli. He has played with it before but always on tracks that Dan has set up. Now he has figured out how to make the tracks himself. The last few days, all he has wanted to do was to build new tracks for the trains. It is funny to watch how concentrated he gets while hooking pieces together. Any time Dan tries to give input Tarek lets him know that is not the way he wants it. He spent at least two hours today making a track that covers most of the floor in our TV room. I guess at least he is keeping himself busy!