Wednesday, February 18, 2009


This last weekend, my family headed down to Heber City to Jana's parents cabin to ride snow mobiles and sled in the snow. I had debated about going with them, and at the end decided that I was just to tired and not really up to all the work it would take to get me and Dreyken up there. So Dan took Kalli and Tarek and headed up without me. I had the most quite relaxing weekend that I have had in awhile (thanks again Dan). I am told that the kids had a great time, I would post some pictures, but it seems Dan forgot to get my camera out, so I will have to see if my mom happens to have a few. I really do love my family, but sometimes you just need a break to do nothing, and that is exactly what I did, other than eating and taking care of Dreyken, I hardly left the house. It was wonderful!

On another note, Kalli has been a huge help with Dreyken, and yesterday she got to change her first diaper. She was so excited when I told her she could change Dreyken, and she did a good job. She also helped me give Dreyken a bath in the baby bath as her cord has finally fallen off and so she can actually get wet! Kalli is such a big help and does anything I ask, as long as it involves Dreyken. What a good big sister.


Jackie said...

What a cute baby!! And yes, I do have some pictures---just need to figure out how to send them to you.

Karen's blog said...

The smartest thing a new mom can do is get away from all the other kids for a day or two. Good for you! Come see us at Karen's. Grandma Fuller