We think that we have finally figured out Tarek's problem and why he keeps getting sick. The poor boy has been sick on and off for nearly the last six months. He gets well and does good for a week or so and then gets wheezy and sick again. The doctor has suggested that he may have asthma. So for the last few weeks we have been doing breathing treatments and allergy medicine and he seems to be responding really well. The only problem is that he really does not like the breathing treatments. A neighbor of mine suggested and "dinosaur mask" and was kind enough to give us on and it has worked AWESOME! He still hates having to sit still for the few minutes it takes, but at least he gets to blow smoke out of the dinosaurs nose. And it seems to really be working.
Kalli had her school Carnival on Monday and the kids had a great time. It was rather cold, and I really felt sorry for those teachers and the principal that got to do the dunking booth outside. They had a lot of games, cotton candy, face painting, and of course LOTS OF PEOPLE! We did come out good though, winning a $10.00 gift certificate to ice cream in the raffle.

Dreyken is growing so fast, she has been going to the chiropractor and her head looks SOOO much better! I am so glad that it seems to be working, and hopefully the helmet will not have to happen. In my spare time I have found a few crochet patterns and enjoy making hats for her. She is still to small to through a fit at having to wear homemade items (except for the few times the hats fall onto her eyes.)

I am so grateful for my great kids!
Dreyken is soo dang cute!!! OH just adorable!!! All of the are getting so big so fast!
I love the hat! Good job :D
Tucker had to do all that with the breathing treatments and all. We had him tested and he does have ashma. It is mild but he still has to have an inhaler when he plays the Wii, so sad.
Love the hat and booties! You should sell them! They are a big hit here because no one can make them so they just buy them.
I'm impressed with your skills! I'm glad the treatments are helping Tarek and Dreyken.
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