So with all the hip problems the last little while and the exhaustion of preganancy, my in-laws offered to take my kids for awhile. This sounded really good and would give me a nice break to just work on getting better. Plus, Dan was able to talk his parents into helping us out with our puppy (as in she is now a farm dog) which has made my life a LOT easier since I had no control over her the last month or so (Thank you so much David and Lorie you have no idea how much it has really helped). Well, last Saturday, Dan drove down to his parents house with the kids and dog, stayed overnight and came home alone the next day. The plan was for the kids to stay for the week and they would meet up with Dan the next Sunday to exchange kids. Well it is now Thursday, and I am really missing my kids! Not only do I miss them, but my cute little girl is turning Seven today! I am so missing getting to spend today with her. However, my mother-in-law called me to let me know that the birthday party they had planned for a few of the neighbor kids has grown into quite a party. She said she is expecting close to Fifty kids! When Dan first told me about the birthday party they were planning my first response was "she doesn't know anyone there, who is she going to invite?" to which he responded "it's Gunnison, it is a normal thing to do there". I had to laugh, cause it sure is a different life from what I am use to. Anyway, it sounds like they are having a really great time and are now asking to stay longer! Dan likes to tease me and say that the kids are just way to busy to miss me. I really do miss them, but I am so thankful to have married into such a great family that is willing to do what they can to help out. Both Dan and I are so really blessed with great families. Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY KALLI! I LOVE YOU!